Sustainability Strategy | Reporting
Report Assurance
As an AA1000 AS Licensed Assurance Provider, CCA is able to provide external verification for the reporting entity’s adherence to the AA1000 Accountability Principles to enhance the report’s credibility and recognition.

AA1000 Assurance Standard v3
We evaluate and verify your company’s sustainability report against the AA1000 Assurance Standard v3, focusing on materiality assessment and the verification of publicly disclosed information on management systems and processes.
Principles of Sustainability Report Assurance
Verifying your report with these principals, we help your company send out a strong signal on your commitment to sustainability.

Our Services
An Assurance Statement that can be disclosed as part of the sustainability report after:
- Verification of reported data and data source
- Review of management approach towards stakeholder engagement
- Giving recommendations for immediate report adjustment or for future improvement