Professional Courses

Sustainable Finance and Green Banking Courses

Co-organised by CCA & The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers


The CDP/ certificate courses – “Green Banking Essentials: Net Zero, Climate Risks & Opportunities” and “Sustainable Banking and Climate Emergency: Risks and Opportunities for Bankers” are jointly organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) and CCA.

Environmental and social issues are influencing decision making in the banking industry to an increasing degree. The integration of sustainability issues into banks’ core business processes is becoming the norm.

The financial sector can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable development, but to achieve this there is a strong need for banking practitioners to build capacity on this subject and keep abreast of the global trends in sustainability. With these tools, financial institutions can take full account of risk factors and build demand for products and services with strong sustainability credentials.

Course Overview

Upon completion of the programme, participants will be able to

  • Explain the key sustainability challenges facing the financial sector
  • Explain the economic and political drivers of green finance development
  • Understand different types of national and regional green finance taxonomies

Programme Outline

  • Climate Agreements: Paris Agreement, NDCs and carbon neutral pathways
  • Net Zero Targets for Banks – the challenges
  • Meaning of Zero Carbon, Net Zero and Carbon Neutrality
  • Drivers of Green Finance: regulations, market forces, social expectations (Carney, TCFD, risks and opportunities, protests and criticisms)
  • TCFD Risks Deeper Dive: transitional and physical risks
  • Climate-related Opportunities during Transition
  • Green Finance Taxonomies: EU, PRI, CMA, CBI
  • Regional Taxonomies: Singapore, Mainland China and Malaysia

Programme Details

Early Bird Application Deadline24 June 2021 (Thursday)
Application Deadline1 July 2021 (Thursday)
Course Date8 July 2021 (Thursday)
Time7:00pm – 10:00pm
Learning ModeVirtual Classroom (Zoom)

Course Flyer and Application Form

Upon completion of the programme, participants will be able to

  • Understand the relevance of environmental issues to their work in terms of both risks and opportunities
  • Explain the economic and political drivers of sustainable development
  • Apply global principles, reporting standards and carbon related market mechanisms to strengthen a bank’s capacity in navigating environmental and social challenges
  • Appraise climate related issues in loan and investment portfolios to avoid climate risks and participate in the transition to a low carbon and sustainable economy of the future.

Programme Structure

  • Module 1: Climate emergency and the greening of finance
  • Module 2: Sustainable finance toolbox
  • Module 3: Climate risk and risk management

Programme Details

Application Deadline5 August 2021 (Thursday)
Dates12, 19, 26 August 2021 (Thursday)
Time7:00pm – 10:00pm
Learning ModeVirtual Classroom (Zoom)
Learning Hours3 hours per module; 9 hours in total
(including an assessment at the end of each module)

Course Flyer and Application Form

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
Interested on this course? Feel free to know more about curriculum and registration details.