CCA CEO Ir Albert Lai was invited by the Social Enterprise Research Institute (SERI) to speak at a special forum entitled “Caring Enterprises & Green Economy” held on 18th January 2016 in conjunction with the Social Caring Pledge Signature Ceremony. The Social Caring Pledge Scheme, which recognizes businesses that are committed to the six principles derived from the ethos behind the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), was signed by Carbon Care Asia amongst many other businesses. During his presentation to the audience, Ir Albert Lai shared his recent experience in leading the Hong Kong NGO & Social Business Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21), as well as his insights on the post-Paris Agreement implications for the Hong Kong business community.
Photo captions:
- CCA CEO Ir Albert Lai sharing his observations and analyses on the Paris Agreement at COP21.
- On behalf of Carbon Care Asia, Ir Albert Lai received a Certificate of Appreciation from Dr Delia Pei, BBS, JP, Director of the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association.
- Ir Albert Lai (5th left, back row) pictured at the Signature Ceremony with representatives of other Social Caring Pledge signatories.
- Ir Albert Lai (1st left, front row) in a group photo with the organiser, VIPs and other guest speakers.