Mr John Sayer, Director of Carbon Care Asia and Research Director of CarbonCare InnoLab, was invited to share his experience of COP24 at “Global Action Against Climate Change Beyond COP24”, a seminar organised by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce on 16 Jan 2019.

The three guest speakers, Mr John Sayer, Mr Davie Kan, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Cross-Boundary & International), Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and Mr Robert Gibson, Adjunct Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, had attended COP24 in Katowice, Poland in December 2018. They shared with the audience their views on the climate challenges ahead for the world and for Hong Kong.

After sharing some inspiring words from Greta Thunberg, the 16 -year old Swedish activist who started a school strike to raise climate awareness, Mr Sayer provided insight on the outcomes and shortfall of COP24. He noted “little sign of increased ambition level and pledges of higher GHG cuts at COP24”. In that context, the action by cities in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement is of vital importance. Mr Sayer also presented selected findings of “Paris Watch – Climate Action Report for Hong Kong”, the CarbonCare InnoLab research report he launched at a side event on “Climate Action in Large Asian Cities” at the COP24 conference. His presentation highlighted the fact that Hong Kong badly needs a ‘zero by 2050’ target, along with an action plan for its achievement. Mr John Sayer concluded that as the IPCC 1.5°C report showcased that ‘we only have 12 years’ to re-direct our global economic system to a clear low-carbon pathway, what we need most is ambition and more ambition.

Mr Davie Kan from the EPD reminded the audience that the government is currently reviewing the IPCC 1.5°C report and will be driving public engagement this year to prepare the next climate change plan for 2050.

You may read Mr Sayer’s full insight on COP24 here.

You may read CarbonCare InnoLab’s “Paris Watch – Climate Action Report for Hong Kong” here.

You may read “Clock Is Ticking on Climate Change” from “The Bulletin” published by HKGCC here.


Photo captions:

  1. Panel moderator Dr Jeanne Ng (2nd left), Chairman of HKGCC Environment and Sustainability Committee, pictured with the three guest speakers: Mr Davie Kan (1st left), Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Cross-Boundary & International), Environmental Protection Department; Mr Robert Gibson (2nd right), Adjunct Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; and Mr John Sayer (1st right), CCA Director and CarbonCare InnoLab Research Director. (Photo supplied by HKGCC)
  2. Mr John Sayer sharing his insight after attending COP24 in Katowice, Poland.