As the CarbonCare® Label 2013 is now available for a second round application by all companies and non-government organizations on or before 11th Nov 2013, a briefing session was held on 7th Oct 2013 to explain the Label, its benefits and the application procedures.

This briefing session attracted over 50 participants from civic organizations, universities and various business sectors including public utilities companies, retail and manufacturing, property development and property management, restaurant chains and public transport companies. The briefing was held at the Happy Valley Stand VIP suites, thanks to the venue sponsorship by Hong Kong Jockey Club.

CCA Chief Executive Officer, Ir Albert Lai, gave an updated review on the latest scientific assessments of the effects of climate change and analyzed the far-reaching impacts on the business world. Examples were shown on how corporations around the world have responded with win-win measures to capture sustainability benefits while helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Innovative solutions and services provided by CCA in the past years to help various clients were cited as local examples of carbon management and strategies.

Three guests were invited to a special sharing session on sustainability benefits. Ms Elaine Liu, Assistant Technical Manager, Building Technology & Sustainability Department of the Hip Shing Hong Group of Companies, spoke about how the group has put the CarbonCare® Label to various brand enhancement uses since attaining it earlier this year. Mr Vincent Wong, CEO of SOW Ideas, was keen to achieve the CarbonCare® Label as he can clearly visualize the publicity benefits carbon friendliness can bring to his mobile TV studio. On the other hand, Ms Cherry Li, Associate Consultant of Hong Kong Productivity Council, introduced to the audience how government funding can help companies and organizations to conduct carbon audit and achieve emissions reduction to shape a low carbon economy. CCA has successfully helped several clients to achieve that via the Carbon Smart funding system.

CCA Senior Consultants, Ms Chloe Mok and Mr Timothy Fong, gave a detailed presentation on the schedule and procedures of applying for the Round II CarbonCare® Label 2013. All label awardees shall benefit from a special media promotion package developed by the Hong Kong Economic Times Group. They will also be invited to an award ceremony and a Hong Kong Carbon Performance Seminar on 11th Dec 2013 officiated by Mr Vincent Picket, Head of Office of the European Union to Hong Kong.

The CarbonCare® Label is an unique scheme that encourages and recognizes the efforts of companies and organizations in their action to tackle climate change and achieve carbon reduction/neutrality status by MeasuringReducing and Offsetting (MRO) their carbon footprints. Since its pilot launch by Carbon Care Asia in late 2011, over 50 entities have attained the Label, ranging from companies, NGOs, hotels, business summits, concerts, weddings and festivals.

*For more details about CarbonCare® Label 2013—Round II Application and its benefits, please refer to:


Photo captions:

  1. The Briefing Session for CarbonCare® Label 2013 – Round II Application, held at VIP suites of the Happy Valley Stand, HKJC, attracted many senior executives from various civic organizations and business sectors.
  2. CCA Chairman Mr Chong Chan Yau welcomed all guests and introduced the background of CCA and its mission and vision in his opening remarks.
  3. CCA CEO Ir Albert Lai updated corporate representatives on the latest scientific assessment of the effects of climate change and the impact on business operations.
  4. Ms Elaine Liu from the Hip Shing Hong Group of Companies shared her company’s experience of brand enhancement through the CarbonCare® Label.
  5. Mr Vincent Wong of SOW Ideas saw great publicity benefits if his mobile TV studio moves with carbon friendliness via the CarbonCare® labeling scheme.
  6. Ms Cherry Li from Hong Kong Productivity Council encouraged organizations to apply for government funding if they wish to embark on carbon audit or reduction measures.
  7. CCA Senior Sustainability Consultant Ms Chloe Mok explained how the CarbonCare® labeling scheme works and the media publicity benefits to be enjoyed by all label awardees.
  8. The CCA team and special guests took questions from the audience.
  9. The audience was keen to find out more details about label application.
  10. The CCA management team pictured with guests at the briefing.
  11. CCA Chairman Mr Chong Chan Yau and CEO Ir Albert Lai pictured with guests.
  12. CCA Director Ms Rosanna Wong (2nd right) and CCA Consultant Ms Lan Xing (2nd left) pictured with guests.