CCA is delighted to have been invited to talk on Low-carbon Actions at the Guangzhou Mind Salon, which holds regular gatherings for local organizations and people interested in green issues. This time, the event was held on April 21 at the FEI Gallery.

The gathering was kicked off by CCA Executive Director, Dr Trini Leung, who spoke on Low-carbon Cultural Change and Corporate Strategic Actions. In her speech, Dr Leung spelt out the pathways for a low-carbon economy, giving inspiring examples set by carbon caring corporations worldwide.

This was followed by a speech from CCA Senior Consultant (Sustainability), Dr Joanne Yeung, on a new eco-transport system — Mobility on Demand (MoD). The audience was fascinated by Dr Yeung’s introduction of the innovative concept of MoD, which was developed by the MIT Media Lab, and the illustration of the CityCar prototype, which is being manufactured by Hiriko.

The Mind Salon was also joined by Ms Zhang Min, an active volunteer in sustainability in Mainland China, and Ms Hu Manying from China’s Institute for Transportation & Development Policy.

  1. CCA’s Executive Director, Dr Trini Leung, enlightened the audience with her vision and expertise in low-carbon strategies.

  1. CCA’s Senior Consultant (Sustainability), Dr Joanne Yeung, illustrated the concept of MoD and the CityCar.