
2013 is a fruitful year for CarbonCare® Label Award Scheme (2013 年 12 月 11 日)

A recognition for corporate carbon performance and commitment, the CarbonCare® Label Award Scheme celebrated a fruitful year in an award ceremony held on Dec 11, 2013 at the Happy Valley Clubhouse of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Representatives from two rounds of awardees totaling 39 companies and organisations attended the event to demonstrate their unity in low carbon commitment.

Officiating guest Mr Vincent Piket, Head of European Union Office to Hong Kong & Macau, presented awards to fourteen 2nd round label awardees. In his keynote speech entitled “The EU on the road towards a Low Carbon Economy”, Mr Piket pointed out the vast business opportunities being opened up under EU’s new low carbon policies.

Carbon Care Asia also made this the opportunity to release the first “Hong Kong Carbon Performance Report”, an original piece of research initiated and conducted by the company. Ir Albert Lai, CEO of CCA, explained the key findings of the Report to the audience as well as the press in a briefing prior to the ceremony.

Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, CEO of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, another keynote speaker at the ceremony, shared how the Club has the vision to take the lead in sustainability and to partner with others to adopt changes to reduce carbon footprints.

Dr Howard Liu, China Programme Director of Oxfam Hong Kong, was invited to give a special presentation on the impacts of the recent global negotiations on climate change (COP 19 in Warsaw) on the business world and NGO reactions. He called for more positive response from the business sector.

The panel discussion, moderated by Dr Trini Leung, CCA Executive Director, was attended by special guests Prof Ho Kin-chung, Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Carbon Emission Reduction & Energy Management; and Ms Stephanie Campbell, Director of Hong Kong & SE Asia, Carbon Disclosure Project.


Photo captions:

  1. Representatives from two rounds of 2013 CarbonCare® Label Awardees gathered for a group photo with officiating guest Mr Vincent Piket (4th right, back row), Head of European Union Office to Hong Kong & Macau and CCA Chairman Mr Chong Chan Yau (left to Mr Picket). (Copyright © 2013 Hong Kong Economic Times. All rights reserved with permission.)
  2. Our 2013 awardees all “LIKE” the CarbonCare® Label!
  3. Representatives of the fourteen 2013 CarbonCare® Label Round II Awardees pictured with CCA management. (Copyright © 2013 Hong Kong Economic Times. All rights reserved with permission.)
  4. Carbon offset certificates were presented as souvenirs to our special guests and panelists — (from left) CCA Executive Director Dr Trini Leung; Dr Howard Liu, China Programme Director, Oxfam Hong Kong; Ms Stephanie Campbell, Director of Hong Kong & SE Asia, Carbon Disclosure Project; CCA CEO Ir Albert Lai; Prof Ho Kin-chung, Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Carbon Emission Reduction & Energy Management; CCA Chairman Mr Chong Chan Yau; Mr Vincent Piket, Head of EU Office to Hong Kong & Macau; Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, CEO of the Hong Kong Jockey Club and CCA Director Ms Rosanna Wong. (Copyright © 2013 Hong Kong Economic Times. All rights reserved with permission.)
  5. The first “Hong Kong Carbon Performance Report” initiated and conducted by Carbon Care Asia was officially released on 11Dec, 2013. The CCA management team pictured at the press briefing held prior to the seminar and the award ceremony.
  6. In his welcoming remarks, CCA Chairman Mr Chong Chan Yau, emphasized the urgency for HK business to implement low carbon measures to stay in line with international actions to combat climate change.
  7. In his opening speech, Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, CEO of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, shared how the Club has the vision to take the lead in sustainability and to partner with others to adopt changes to reduce carbon footprints.
  8. Mr Vincent Piket, Head of European Union Office to Hong Kong & Macau and officiating guest of the event, gave a keynote speech entitled “The EU on the road towards a Low Carbon Economy”.
  9. CCA CEO Ir Albert Lai explained the key findings of the first “Hong Kong Carbon Performance Report” to the audience, pointing out the low level of awareness for carbon disclosure amongst Hong Kong’s listed companies.
  10. Dr Howard Liu, China Programme Director, Oxfam Hong Kong, called on the business sector to take more pro-active measures in helping to avert the devastating effects of climate change on human society and future generations.
  11. Panelists and speakers exchanged views during the panel discussion moderated by Dr Trini Leung.
  12. Nearly a hundred guests attended the event for an enthusiastic exchange of low carbon experience.