
Carbon Care Asia awarded “Green Pioneer” in Travel Industry (2013 年 01 月 08 日)

CCA is honored to have been awarded one of the “Top 10 Green Pioneers” in promoting low carbon travel practices by Weekend Weekly, one of the most popular travel magazines in town. The magazine has been organizing Best Travel Agency Awards in the last 11 years and the “Top 10 Green Pioneers in Travel Industry” is a newly added batch this year to promote sustainable traveling in the region. CCA Director Ms Rosanna Wong received the prize from the organizing body on behalf of the company on 7th January, 2013.

Another highlight at the award presentation ceremony was the announcement of the top five eco-travel preferences by Hong Kong Travelers, based on an online survey conducted at the end of 2012 by an independent research agency sponsored by the magazine. Survey results have shown that nearly 90% of the respondents are aware of eco-travel and are even willing to pay extra for trips with unique eco-features. “LOHAS travel experience”, “Eco-Hotel” and “Hiking” have ranked top 3 in the Go Green Travel Trend 2013 survey, and low carbon cycling trips, ranked 5th, are also getting more popular. These results offer convincing evidence of growing consumer preference for eco features in their choice of leisure activities.

Riding on the results of the survey, as well as increasing public awareness on the environment, CCA will continue to support and help shape an innovative carbon care lifestyle trend in Hong Kong.

(Photos by courtesy of “Weekend Weekly”)

Photo captions:

1. CCA Director Ms Rosanna Wong received the “Top 10 Green Pioneers in Travel Industry” Award from Miss Cindy Chan, General Manager of Weekend Weekly.

2. Ms Rosanna Wong pictured with the organizer and other “Travel Industry Green Pioneer” awardees.