Carbon Care Asia (CCA) hosted a cocktail party on the evening of 12 November at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum in Central to celebrate its 10th anniversary. United Nations Messenger of Peace and world-renowned primatologist Dr Jane Goodall was invited as the special guest of honour for the event. Other distinguished guests included Ambassador Carmen Cano, Head of European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, business and community leaders Dr Helmut Sohmen of KAS, Ms Annie Chan, founder of RS Group and Hon Kenneth Leung, Legislative Councillor. The lively event was attended by around 120 guests.
Mr Chong Chan Yau, Board Chairman of CCA delivered the welcome speech and invited Dr Goodall on stage to share her legendary experiences. The 84-year-old Dr Goodall greeted the audience with the call of the chimpanzees. Her long-time observation of the interaction between living organisms and the environment in the forest made her realise the paramount importance of environmental protection, since there is only one Planet Earth. Sharing her experiences in the study of animals and the establishment of the Jane Goodall Institute, she called on everyone to face the challenges of climate change squarely, as it hinges on the only chance of survival for all humans and other species on our planet. She also encouraged everyone to switch to a vegetarian diet because meat (beef in particular) production consumes a significant amount of resources and water, causes pollution, speeds up global warming and often inflicts cruelty to animals. Lastly, she encouraged the guests to stay hopeful for the future of the Earth and educate the next generation to focus on environmental protection and climate change mitigation.
A decade has passed since CCA was established in 2008. The company’s first and second Chief Executive Officer went on stage to share the CCA story at its different stages of development. Former Executive Director Dr Trini Leung recalled the challenges faced by the company during the first five years of its establishment and thanked all partner organisations for their support. Looking back at the various milestones made by CCA, the current Chief Executive Officer Ir Albert Lai pointed out that the company has never stopped pursuing its mission to increase awareness of climate change in the community and the business sector. After years of lobbying an urging, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited finally announced a set of guidelines for sustainability reporting by listed companies. At the same time, CCA opened a branch office in Singapore. In his vote of thanks, Mr Water Cheung, Director of CCA, expressed his hope that the company could provide a broader range of products and services for companies and organisations in the new area of green finance so that green projects can cast substantial impacts on tackling climate change.

Photo captions:
- The CCA and CarbonCare Innolab (CCIL) teams posed for a group photo.
- The management of CCA and CCIL pictured with guests: (from left) Dr Andrew Mak, Director of CCIL; Mr Jens-Peter Brauner, CEO of Siemens Mobility Ltd; Legislative Council member Hon Kenneth Leung; Dr Peter Hefele, Director of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung; Ir Lee Chi Ming, Board Chairman of CCIL; Mrs Rosita Swain, Director of CCIL; Dr Trini Leung, former Executive Director of CCA; Ir Albert Lai, Chief Executive Officer of CCA; Mr Water Cheung, Chairman of Carbon Care Asia Pte Ltd; Mr Chong Chan Yau, Board Chairman of CCA; and his wife Ms Candice Lam; Dr Helmut Sohmen of Worldwide Shipping; Mr John Sayer, Director of CCA; Ambassador Carmen Cano, Head of European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao; Ms Rosanna Wong, Director of CCA and Mr Ringo Mak, Prgramme Advisor of CCIL.
- The management of CCA and CCIL made a toast together with Dr Jane Goodall at the 10th anniversary celebration reception.
- Dr Jane Goodall called on everyone to face the challenges of climate change squarely because it concerns the survival of all humans and other species on our planet.
- Dr Trini Leung, former Executive Director of CCA, recalled the challenges faced by the company during the first five years of its establishment and thanked all partner organisations for their support.
- Ir Albert Lai, Chief Executive Officer of CCA, looked back at the various milestones made by the Company and envisioned greater achievement in the next decade.
- Mr Chong Chan Yau, Board Chairman of CCA, delivered the welcome speech.
- In his vote of thanks, Mr Water Cheung, Director of CCA, expressed his hope that the company could provide a broader range of products and services for companies and organisations in the new area of green finance.
- CCA Board Chairman Mr Chong Chan Yau pictured with Dr Jane Goodall, special guest of honour at CCA’s 10th Anniversary celebrations.
Dr Jane Goodall, UN Messenger of Peace and world-renowned primatologist, addressing CCA’s 10th Anniversary Celebration on 12 Nov 2018
Congratulatory message from our guests
Ambassador Carmen Cano, Head of European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao
James Greenleaf, Vice Consul, Economic and Political Section, Consulate General of the United States of America Hong Kong and Macau
Hon Kenneth Leung, Member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong
Dr Helmut Sohmen, Director of World-Wide Shipping Agency Ltd
Mr Jens-Peter Brauner, CEO, Siemens Mobility Ltd