Carbon Care Asia co-organised two webinars with the Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies (CHKLC) on 13 and 19 May 2020 to share with members the insights on how businesses can build better corporate understanding and resilience in order to survive the social and environmental uncertainties and crises brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first part of the webinar focused on business response and recovery to meet the challenges of the recent pandemic. Mr John Sayer, Director of CCA, shared with participants the different phases of response recovery strategy. He elaborated on the changing landscapes in the medium and long term and advised businesses to formulate their corporate recovery strategy from the aspects of the market, information technology, values and ethics. The sharing was taken further by Ir Albert Lai, CEO of CCA. Citing a global survey on how citizens rated the performance of political leaders in pandemic response, he shared his observations on the Hong Kong and Asian market.

Part two of the webinar focused on broader crisis preparation and risk reduction. Following an overview on non-financial risks, Mr Sayer advised businesses to better plan for risk reduction and risk management, giving specific suggestions to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for better preparedness. Mr Lai then turned the audience’s attention to another front on how businesses could re-strategize and plan ahead for the post-pandemic era. He highlighted three crucial challenges, namely “Reset globalisation”, “Rebuild resilience” and “Rethink values”. The webinar ended with a panel discussion for participants to exchange their views with the speakers. The conversation was extended to discuss globalisation versus localisation, as well as the climate and environmental risks facing companies in Hong Kong.

To conclude the webinars, CCA emphasized that there is no more business-as-usual following Covid-19 pandemic. Companies should learn to adapt to the “new normal” and to integrate sustainability into corporate recovery strategy for stronger resilience and better disaster preparedness.

The webinars were moderated by Mr Mike Wong (right), Chief Executive Officer of CHKLC, where CCA CEO Ir Albert Lai (middle) and Director Mr John Sayer (left) shared their insights.