Despite the pandemic, a confluence of positive actions have generated an exciting momentum in the world: China committing to carbon neutrality by 2060; the US rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement and green assets being more widely considered to be a better class of defensive instrument under the pandemic.

In view of this, CCA co-organised a webinar with the Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association (HKiNEDA) on 26 January 2021 to share its insight on the opportunities arising from climate change.

Mr John Sayer, Director of CCA, started with an overview of the global climate risk landscape, its impact on financial institutions and the opportunities arising. He then elaborated on the sustainable finance initiatives in Hong Kong such as the green and sustainable finance strategy and the five key action points published by the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group. He stressed that the banks should direct their financing towards emissions reduction projects and set carbon reduction targets for their investment portfolio.

The sharing was taken further by Ir Albert Lai, Chief Executive Officer of CCA. He gave an overview of the various types of sustainable financial tools and green building investment opportunities in Asia. He also introduced CCA’s proprietary three-pronged approach to green and sustainable banking — Carbon Accounting for Financed Emissions (CAFÉ) which focuses on risk management, target setting and internal carbon pricing.

The webinar ended with a panel discussion where the participants raised questions and exchanged their views with the speakers. The role of independent non-executive directors in promoting sustainable finance was the subject for a heated debate.

If you wish to learn more about CCA’s sustainable finance solutions, please contact us at

Photo captions:

  1. Mr John Sayer, Director of CCA, received a souvenir from Dr Terence Chan, Founding Vice-President of HKiNEDA.
  2. Ir Albert Lai, Chief Executive Officer of CCA, received a souvenir from Dr Terence Chan, Founding Vice-President of HKiNEDA.
  3. At the webinar (from left to right): Ir Albert Lai, Chief Executive Officer of CCA; moderator Mr Anthony Cheung, Executive Council Member of HKiNEDA ; and Mr John Sayer, Director of CCA.