With “Low Carbon Living @ Hong Kong”as the theme, the Environmental Campaign Committee, partnered with other organisations, launched a territory-wide video competition between 16 Feb and 15 April 2011 to encourage the Hong Kong people to produce short films to express and share their ideas of how to put low carbon living into daily practice. CCA Executive Director Dr Trini Leung was invited as one of the judges for this competition and marked all entries based on the organiser’s judging principles that covered the concept, inspirationality, appropriateness and creativity of these productions. She attended the “World Environment Day 2011 – Everyone Likes Low Carbon Living” prize presentation ceremony on June 5.

To further spread the carbon care message, the organiser invited three university students and two secondary school students who joined an expedition to the Antarctica in 2010 to share their amazing discoveries and experience. The sharing of vivid images and real-life encounters has helped to increase the audience’s understanding of the impacts of climate change on our environment and the ecological system, and to enhance their awareness of the need for carbon reduction.

To watch the grand prize winning video and other outstanding productions, please visit

Photo captions (photos by courtesy of Environmental Campaign Committee):

  • Group photo at “World Environment Day 2011 Everyone Likes Low Carbon Living”: CCA Executive Director Dr Trini Leung (3rd left, back row) with officiating guest Ms Anissa Wong, JP (3rd right, back row), Permanent Secretary for the Environment / Director of Environmental Protection, grand prize winner of the video competition, other judges and youths sharing their Antarctic experience.
  • Dr Trini Leung (right), as one of the video competition judges, received a souvenir certificate from Prof Jonathan Wong, Vice-chairman of the Environmental Campaign Committee.
  • Dr Trini Leung (2nd right) with Prof Jonathan Wong (middle), Vice-chairman of the Environmental Campaign Committee, and other judges.