
CCA shares corporate SDG engagement tips at ESG Forum Hong Kong 2019 (2019 年 11 月 27 日)

Jointly organised by SocietyNext Foundation, UNESCO HK Association – Global Peace Centre (GPC), Rotarian Action Group for Peace and WoFoo Social Enterprises, the ESG Forum & InnoESG Prize Presentation 2019 was held on 27 November 2019. Themed “ESG Transformations in Economics and Society”, the forum focused specifically on the social aspects of ESG. Panelists and guest speakers from different sectors were invited to share their insights on contributing to Hong Kong and encouraging social engagement.

Speaking on the theme of “Using Strategic Community Engagement Approach & Investment for Addressing Sustainable Society’s Needs”, Ms Chloe Mok, Director of Sustainability Strategy of Carbon Care Asia, suggested a 3-step approach to businesses striving to build an effective action plan for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first step is priorities identification, meaning companies should narrow down their scope of focus out of the 17 SDGs. The second step is impact assessment, meaning companies should select the most relevant indicators and track their impact over time. The third step is setting specific, measurable and time-bound goals. Ms Mok also pointed out that a common challenge for corporate sustainability integration is getting the buy-in from decision makers but this could be tackled through well-designed sustainability learning sessions. She also stressed that there is no more business-as-usual for companies and to keep pace with macro social changes, they must be well prepared for their own transformation.


Photo captions:

  1. Ms Chloe Mok (3rd right ), CCA Director of Sustainability Strategy, shared with the audience on how businesses can build an effective SDG integration plan.
  2. Ms Chloe Mok (2nd right ) pictured with other panelists and guest speakers at ESG Forum Hong Kong 2019.
  3. Mr Thirupathi Nachiappan, Master Adjudicator of SDG World Records, presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Ms Chloe Mok (3rd right ) and other panelists.