
CCA-supported “Carbon Footprint Repository” officially launched

CCA-supported “Carbon Footprint Repository” officially launched (15/12/2014)


Many congratulations to the Environment Bureau, which officially launched the Carbon Footprint Repository on 15th December, 2014! Carbon Care Asia (CCA) is proud to have been commissioned by the Environmental Protection Department to host and provide professional support to this dedicated website designed to facilitate carbon performance transparency for listed companies in Hong Kong. This is a major step to encourage the private sector to escalate their efforts in carbon management, in line with CCA’s mission to promote a low-carbon economy.

At present, 64 listed companies have participated in the carbon disclosure scheme as first movers. More companies are expected to join the initiative and share successful stories on carbon management and practices. You may visit the website at http://www.carbon-footprint.hk.

More news on the launch of the Carbon Footprint Repository and related information can be obtained from http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201412/15/P201412150407.htm.