03 Apr 2010

CCA & Sichuan Forestation Project (Phoenix TV climate change documentary)

CCA & Sichuan Forestation Project featured in Phoenix TV climate change documentary (03/04/2010)

Carbon Care Asia is pleased to have participated and assisted in the making of Phoenix TV’s latest documentary on climate change. Entitled “The Earth’s Temperature: Phoenix TV 2010 Special Action”, this series features live reports on projects in various countries and the situation in the Polar Regions. The afforestation and reforestation CDM + CCB project in NW Sichuan, to which CCA is worldwide exclusive distributor for its carbon credits, is amongst those climate change mitigation projects reported. The documentary production team also interviewed CCA Executive Director Dr Trini Leung.

In addition, Phoenix TV also appointed CCA to measure and offset the carbon emissions incurred by air and land travels during the course of filming, making this programme Asi’s first carbon neutral large-scale TV documentary production.

This documentary is broadcast in China and Hong Kong from 29 March to 3 April. To watch the programme, please click. (Chinese version only)