13 Oct 2012

CCA supports SME initiatives in Carbon Care Products & Services

CCA Chairman Mr Chong Chan Yau praises two Hong Kong SMEs for their innovative ideas and pro-active offerings to embed carbon care practices into their business operations and even promote them through bespoke customer services. Both companies are heading to join CCA’s CarbonCare® Labelling Scheme.

Easy Organic Farming (www.easyorganicfarming.com) promotes green and low carbon living in town by offering sustainable, organic gardening solutions. From seedlings to pots, from design to construction and maintenance, the company provides full professional greening advice and services to commercial complexes, companies and individual homes.

Star Printing, a specialist in commercial printing services, aims to minimize the environmental impact of commercial printing on the environment. It promotes the use of recycled/ low-carbon paper as well as soy-based ink as unique options to their customers.

CCA is determined to support such initiatives, emerging in various forms, from the SMEs, to enhance climate awareness within the Hong Kong business sector.