25 November 2015
Press Release
Getting ready for Paris Climate Summit — Hong Kong needs transformative agenda
“We can be the first generation to succeed in ending poverty;
just as we may be the last to have a chance of saving the planet.”
“2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”
The United Nations, Sept, 2015
As the world is getting ready for the most important negotiation of the decade – the climate change summit in Paris known as COP21, a conference organized by Carbon Care Asia and CarbonCare InnoLab on 25 November is calling for a bold transformation in Hong Kong’s public policy and business environment in facing up to the risks of climate change both worldwide and local.
Entitled “Sustainability & Low-Carbon Solutions – Hong Kong Agenda in COP21 ”, this full-day conference was organized in response to the UN Climate Change Summit starting from end of this month. Global negotiations held in Paris are expected to halt the devastating effects brought by global warming, which threaten such basic aspects of our lives as food supply, shelter, health and social stability. Albert Lai, CEO of Carbon Care Asia, maintained that “it is the responsibility of all sectors in Hong Kong: government, business and civil society, to recognize the importance of the international negotiations and the agreement that will hopefully emerge in Paris. We need to understand the issues and ensure Hong Kong plays its role in following up the pledges made at the meeting to cut back greenhouse gas emissions and set our city on the path to a zero-carbon economy.”
Urging for a more robust carbon reduction target for Hong Kong, Chong Chan Yau, Carbon Care Asia Chairman, said, “With a higher average living standard, and a degree of autonomy on economic and social policy, Hong Kong has the responsibility of going considerably further than China as a whole in cutting greenhouse gas emissions.”
In recognition of the voluntary carbon reduction efforts by various Hong Kong enterprises and organizations, an award presentation ceremony was held alongside this conference. Officiating guest the Hon Lam Woon-Kwong, Convenor of the Executive Council, presented awards to 32 pioneering companies and organizations which have attained the prestigious CarbonCare® and CarbonCare® Action Labels this year.
Prominent figures at the conference, including Mr Vincent Piket, Head of Office of the European Union to Hong Kong and Macao, and Ms Christine Loh, Under-Secretary for the Environment, discussed with business leaders about strategic policy agenda as well as business issues critical to the success of the corporate sector in the new post-COP21 environment, including carbon management, sustainability reporting and climate risk assessment.
During the conference, which reckons innovation as the solution to the challenges of the transition to a zero-carbon future, four multi-stakeholder teams from the Jockey Club COIL (CarbonCare Open Innovation Lab) programme presented creative solutions on how Hong Kong may turn into a low-carbon city through civil society initiatives. Their innovative solutions range from urban farming, responsible consumption to tree care and building a bike-friendly city. The Jockey Club COIL programme under Carbon Care InnoLab is the first platform designed specifically to stimulate sustainability ideas from all walks of life, particularly from inspired young people and professionals.
Carbon Care Innolab, Carbon Care Asia and the Hong Kong People’s Council on Sustainable Development will lead an accredited NGO and social business delegation from Hong Kong to the Paris talks. As well as following the talks, they will be active in looking for the best available technologies and other initiatives to enable Hong Kong to play a strong role in preparing for the green economy of the future. Staff from Carbon Care InnoLab plans to regularly report back to Hong Kong on the many Paris events through social and mainstream media. Carbon Care Asia will deliver a presentation at an event hosted by the official China delegation. During their stay in Paris from December 1-10, all delegates will actively engage with representatives from governments and businesses, as well as green activists who will be making their voices heard.
2015 CarbonCare® Label & CarbonCare® Action Label Awardees
(In alphabetical order of organization names)
CarbonCare® Label 2015 Awardees | CarbonCare® Action Label 2015 Awardees | |
Alliance Construction Materials Limited | HKT Limited | |
Asia Insurance Co., Ltd. | On Kee (HK) Environmental Recycling Ltd. | |
AsiaWorld-Expo | PCCW Limited | |
Bistro 1979 | The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited | |
Clover Group International Ltd. | The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. | |
Cre8 (Greater China) Ltd. | ||
Cre8PLUS | ||
Easy Organic Farming | ||
First Pacific Company Limited | ||
Gammon Construction Limited | ||
Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) Company Limited | ||
Hong Kong Housing Authority | ||
iclub Wan Chai Hotel | ||
Jebsen and Co., Ltd. | ||
Kau Yan Church | ||
Kerry Properties Limited | ||
Kier Laing O’Rourke Kaden Joint Venture | ||
Mingle Farm Limited | ||
On Kee (HK) Environmental Recycling Ltd. | ||
Samson Paper Company Ltd. | ||
Sources Fame Management Limited | ||
SSID | ||
The Airport Authority Hong Kong | ||
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited | ||
The Hong Kong Jockey Club | ||
The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. | ||
The Star Printing Co., Ltd. |