
Carbon Accounting & Assurance

Reporting Emissions

Using established international and local standards, we will measure and verify your organisation’s direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, providing a complete picture of the organisation’s carbon performance.

Carbon Reporting

For effective and efficient reporting, we design measurement templates tailored to your carbon profile arising from different operational modes and boundaries.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Verification

Our third-party verification services give your stakeholders confidence that your carbon disclosures are complete, balanced and accurate.

Portfolio Emissions

Measuring the carbon footprint of your portfolio helps you to understand climate-related portfolio risks and opportunities, identify priority areas for reducing emissions, and publicly demonstrate your commitment to tackling climate change.

CDP Disclosure

CDP (formerly known as “Carbon Disclosure Project ) is a global non-profit organisation advocating for the transparency and disclosure of carbon emissions by organisations and companies.

Companies might be asked to complete questionnaires on climate change, forests and water security through CDP by customers and investors. Through this process, companies understand the various ways to help them manage their environmental risks and make good use of the opportunities. They also learn how to provide vital information to their customers, investors and the market through research, insights and financial products and services.

Carbon Pricing
Identify opportunities in internal carbon pricing and respond to CDP’s carbon pricing questions effectively.

Complete Submission Enhancement
Enhance submission to best meet the CDP scoring criteria.

Gap Analysis
Identify the information that you might be missing.

Capability Building
Train and upskill your staff to respond to the questionnaires correctly and efficiently.

Risk & Opportunity Analysis
Identify climate change related risks and opportunities for strategy integration.

Science Based Targets (SBTs)
Align the environmental goals of your business with climate science.

Carbon Assessment or Verification
Quantify your GHG emissions (including Scope 3). Or alternatively, provide an independent review on carbon reporting.

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CDP Disclosure

The CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) runs a global disclosure system for companies and cities to disclose their environmental impact. Drawing on our extensive experience in environmental disclosures, we will develop a strategy that will help improve your response and score.

If your company has not committed to a measurable emissions reduction target, this should be a priority as top grades won’t be available without a solid answer to this section. Setting a Science Based Target, which aligns your reduction target with climate science, will further allow you to get recognized as a leader.

Finally, tracking your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and as importantly, seeking third party verification for these, will increase your score but also send a message of transparency and accuracy to your stakeholders.

Leadership (A — A-)

Follow best practice

Management (B — B-)

Implements strategies & takes actions

Awareness (C — C-)

Assesses issues, risks and impacts

Disclosure (D — D-)

Is transparent about climate change issues

F = Fails to provide sufficient information to CDP.